Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Festivus! (for the rest of us)

Happy Festivus! (for the rest of us)

Here's a holiday tip of the day.... if you clean your pole first thing in the morning, the fragrance lasts all day... even clings to the clothing of visitors! You can smell the snap of abraded aluminum in the air!
Of course, not everyone celebrates Festivus, intentionally! Some people celebrate Hanukkah. Some people celebrate the Mass of Christ. Others celebrate the season of Saturnalia with the abundance of food, drink, merriment and materialism. Some combine two traditions from the list above, without knowing why. The end result of this "not knowing why" tends to lead to the addition of some Festivus traditions being added for good measure. Too much food, too much drinking, too much preparational stress, too much idealism and projection of those ideals onto loved ones while seeking the most perfect day ever... and well.... you do end up with the Airing of Grievances and the proving of ones strength, but you miss out on the crisp smell of aluminum.
Whatever your reason for celebrating this time of year, just remember.... you have to live with it the rest of the coming year and for years to come.
Oh, and if you happen to feel that fleeting sense of warmth and well being known as LOVE.... well, that's the Festivus Miracle!

1 comment:

Jacalyn said...

And, Happy Festivus back to you. I'm an Eckist who was raised as a non-religious Jew. I do it all! So far this year I've celebrated Channukah, Winter Solstice, and Xmas. It's all about the presents! Oh, OK, and Love too.

Love, Jacalyn